Standard Response Protocol

  • The Aledo ISD follows the Standard Response Protocol in case of an emergency. Please click on each of the five actions listed below to familiarize yourself with their definitions and action steps taken.

"WORK THE PLAN" - Aledo ISD Emergency Communications

  • Should an emergency situation arise with the Aledo ISD while school is in session, it is important that you know the district and its individual campuses have made preparations to respond to these incidents.

    During such an event, your child/children will be cared for at his/her campus. Your cooperation is essential during an emergency. As we have learned from previous experience, one of our greatest challenges during an emergency is managing traffic flow as well as incoming phone calls from concerned parents and others. Traffic jams and clogged phone lines can prevent emergency responders (police, fire, and medical personnel) from providing emergency services in a timely manner.

    Aledo ISD will utilize the ParentLink messenger and Community App to communicate emergency information in the timeliest manner possible! In the event of an emergency involving an Aledo ISD campus, we ask that you do not come to the school or call the school, but watch for information via text messages, emails, or notifications from ParentLink or on the Community App. Through this platform Aledo ISD administrators will provide you with the pertinent information as well as details on how to reconnect with your child. We ask that you please "WORK THE PLAN" by seeking information from the communication coming from Aledo ISD and following any directions that may be given. If you do not already have the Aledo ISD Community App, search for Aledo ISD on the App Store or Google Play.

    In the event of a Lockdown, Secure or Shelter emergency at your children's campus, only authorized emergency personnel are permitted to enter or exit the school. Additionally, if the campus has been ordered to evacuate, your child may have been relocated to a safe, but previously undisclosed alternate location. Again, we ask that you "WORK THE PLAN" and seek information through the ParentLink and Community App.

    Upon possible relocation and reunification students will only be released to persons identified as parents, legal guardians, or emergency contacts in our system. Please keep this information accurate and updated and discuss these matters with your child. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we continually seek to assure the safety and security of all students, employees, and visitors of the Aledo Independent School District.

    Should you have any questions regarding these procedures, feel free to contact the district office and Executive Director of Student Services, Scott Kessel, at or 817-441-5161. Should you need to update contact information for your student(s), please contact the office at the appropriate school.

Unsafe School Choice Option

  • Identification of Persistently Dangerous Schools

    The Unsafe School Choice Option (USCO), Section 8532 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015, requires each state receiving funds under ESSA to establish and implement a statewide policy requiring that a student attending a persistently dangerous public elementary or secondary school, as determined by the state in consultation with a representative sample of local educational agencies (LEAs) be allowed to attend a safe public elementary or secondary school within the LEA, including a public charter school.

    2019-2020 School Year

    • No Schools Identified on the Watch List for One Year's Incidents
    • No Schools Identified on the Watch List for Two Years' Incidents
    • No Schools Identified as Persistently Dangerous

    Victim of a Violent Criminal Offense

    In addition to the identification of persistently dangerous schools, USCO requires the state to establish and implement a statewide policy requiring that a student who becomes a victim of a violent criminal offense, as determined by State law, while in or on the grounds of a public elementary school or secondary school that the student attends, be allowed to attend a safe public elementary or secondary school within the LEA, including a public charter school.


Bearcat Watch Tip Line


State of Texas Drill Requirements

  • The following are drills required by Texas state law.

    Secure Drill: 1 per school year

    Lockdown Drill: 2 per school year (one per semester).

    Evacuation Drill: 1 per school year

    Shelter-in-Place for Hazmat Drill: 1 per school year

    Shelter for Severe Weather Drill: 1 per school year

    Fire Evacuation Drill: School districts and open-enrollment charter schools should consult with their local fire marshal and comply with their local fire marshal’s requirements and recommendations. If a district does not have a local fire marshal, it shall conduct four per school year (two per semester).

    Please note that “Hold” is not a mandated drill per Texas Education Code 37.114 and the Texas Education Agency Commissioner’s rules. However, “Hold” is considered an “I Love U Guys” best practice drill.