Free and Reduced Meal Applications

  • Reduced price breakfast is FREE this year for students who qualify.
    You must submit an application this year to be considered for free or reduced price meals. Free and reduced price meal status is based on financial need or household situation. Information about a student’s participation is confidential; however, disclosure of a student’s eligibility may be made without prior notice or consent to programs, activities, and individuals that are specifically authorized access under the National School Lunch Act (NSLA), which is the law that sets forth the disclosure limits for the District’s child nutrition programs. A student’s name, eligibility status, and other information may be disclosed to certain agencies as authorized under the NSLA to facilitate the enrollment of eligible children in Medicaid or the state children’s health insurance program (CHIP) unless the student’s parent notifies the District that a student’s information should not be disclosed. A parent’s decision will not affect the child’s eligibility for free and reduced price meals. Applications can be submitted online (below APPLY ONLINE) and paper applications can be obtained from the school office or the Child Nutrition Department. Parents can also check eligibility status online, at School Lunch Status, after your application for meal benefits has been submitted and processed with Aledo ISD.

    You must submit an application each year to be considered for free or reduced price meals. Even if your child received free or reduced price meals last year, you must submit a new application this year. Application information is strictly confidential and is not available to students or teachers.

    Parents can submit an application at any time during the year.  Also any time household size or family income changes, you can reapply.  Children receive Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid, and Foster and Homeless Children qualify regardless of your income.  

     Click here to Apply Free & Reduced Online

    Check Status of Free Reduced Application Online