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Drop Off & Pick Up Procedures

  • School Hours

    Doors open at 7:15 a.m. each morning. Students should enter through the front doors and go directly to their classrooms. If students need to purchase breakfast, they will report directly to the cafeteria to get their food. Please remember, parents may not walk their children into the building. Students are dismissed from school at 3:10 p.m. Dismissal changes after 2:30 p.m. will NOT be accepted. Additionally, students will NOT be called to the office for early dismissal after 2:45 p.m.

    Walsh Elementary School is designed with two pickup and drop off locations and one bus area.  We have procedures in place to help ensure the morning and afternoon processes go quickly for all. Please review the information below:

    Front of School:
    Our first car drop off and pick up location is in the front of the building.  Students in grades Kindergarten-2nd Grade will be dropped off and picked up at this location.  If you are picking up siblings of multiple grade levels, they will meet at this front waiting area.

    East Side of Building:
    The east side of the building is designed for our older students to enter and leave school with ease.  This location is for pickup and drop off students Grades 3rd – 5th.  Again, if you are picking up children of multiple grade levels, they will meet at the front location.

    Bus Riders:
    Buses will be waiting for students outside the west side of the building.  Students will leave the school through the gym doors and enter the bus area.  The buses will  drop students off at this location in the morning and students will enter the school through the same gym doors.

    Window Tags and Safety:
    Tags will be issued for each student and color-coded per grade level.  The tags will be printed with student name, grade level and teacher name. We ask that you put the tag(s) in your front window for staff to view.  If you have a grandparent, aunt, babysitter picking up students, please have them put the tag(s) in their window as well.
    We will have student and teacher Ambassadors in all locations to help open and close doors to cars.  For the safety of all, we ask that the drivers stay in the cars and pull up to the cone location.  We will help your child(ren) out of the cars during the morning drop off and loading in the afternoon.