Phone: (817) 441 - 4504
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. Mathematics, TCU M.A.T. Mathematics, TCU
Mr. Shedd
Hi all!
I'm Mr. Shedd, a math teacher at Aledo High School. I first became an Aledo Bearcat in 2014, starting at Daniel Ninth Grade Campus. Last year, I joined the staff at Aledo High School! I'm a graduate of TCU - twice! - though I grew up in Nebraska. I moved to Fort Worth in 2010, where I met my wife, Rachel.
I work as hard as I can to make math accessible to every student. I work to develop engaging lessons that make abstract concepts as simple and concrete as possible. I believe that what we learn on our own is what we learn best, so I frequently encourage and empower students to investigate mathematics both with my guidance and on their own. This year, I'll be teaching AP Calculus and Pre-AP Algebra II. I'm excited to get to work!
My Schedule
1st period: OnRamps College Algebra
2nd period: Conference Period
Flex Tutorial Days: Tutorial Sessions Posted Weekly
3rd period: AP Calculus AB
4th period: AP Calculus AB
5th period: Lunch
6th period: AP Calculus BC
7th period: OnRamps College Algebra
8th period: OnRamps College Algebra
*This schedule may change as the school year requires*
Tutorial Schedule:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Morning: CLOSED
Afternoon: 4:10 to 5:00 pm
Morning: 8:00 to 8:40 am
Flex: See Flex Schedule
Afternoon: 4:10 to 5:00 pm
Morning: CLOSED
Flex: See Flex Schedule
Afternoon: 4:10 to 5:00 pm
Morning: 8:00 to 8:40 am
Flex: See Flex Schedule
Afternoon: 4:10 to 5:00 pm
Morning: 8:00 to 8:40 am
Flex: See Flex Schedule
Afternoon: 4:10 to 5:00 pm
Please also feel free to email me at any time:
Grading Policies
For AP Calculus:
- Tests - 60%
- Quizzes - 25%
- Homework - 15%
- Minimum of 3 Tests and 1 Daily Assignment per week in each quarter
For OnRamps College Algebra:
- Tests - 60%
- Formative Work- 40%
- Minimum of 3 Tests and 1 Daily Assignment per week in each quarter
Correction and Retake Policies
Homework: Any homework grade below 100 may be re-done or corrected (once!) in order to bring the grade up to 100. This may be done with my help.
Quizzes: Any quiz grade below 100 may be re-done or corrected (once!) in order to bring the grade up to 100. This may be done with my help.
Tests: Any test grade below 80 may be re-taken to replace the grade, with a maximum grade of 80, per the district grading guidelines. Prior to re-taking a test, the student will need to submit corrections of the original test (these may be done with my help), and attend any and all required re-teach tutorial sessions. The student will have up to two weeks to re-take the test.
Late and Make-Up Work
In order to keep up with the material, it is imperative that students turn in assignments complete and on time. Each assignment will have a due date. If an assignment is turned in after the due date but before the relevant Unit Test, the student may still receive credit on that assignment, though it may be subject to a late penalty.
Lesson Plans
My lesson plans can be found under the "Quick Links" tab to the left on this page. All of my lesson plans should be considered tentative and are subject to change. It often becomes necessary to spend a little more time on a concept or to speed things along, depending on how students are handling the content. I will always make sure my plans for the current week are up-to-date. All activities, assignments, and homework will be available on Canvas.
More detailed syllabi and class rules can be found here: