Phone: 817-441-8711


Degrees and Certifications:

Degrees: Bachelor of Science in Mathematics Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy Education Certifications: Texas Secondary Mathematics Texas English as a Second Language

Mrs. Mary McLellan

My name is Mary McLellan and I teach AP Statistics.  I absolutely love teaching AP Statistics because I feel as though it is extremely applicable to almost every aspect of life and certainly almost every career choice.  I am passionate about teaching my students the fundamental concepts and the language of the world of Statistics.

I am a graduate of Texas Christian University with a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics as well as a Bachelor of Music in Piano Pedagogy.  While I do not currently have a career that actively utilizes my music degree, I enjoy incorporating a musical component into my classes.  I have fun creating songs to help my students remember and understand much of the vocabulary and concepts of statistics. 


Subjects Taught:   AP Statistics , grades 10-12

                              Algebra 1- EOC Bridge, grades 10 - 12


Daily Schedule:  

1st period (8:40-9:27) AP Statistics

2nd period (9:32-10:22) AP Statistics

FLEX (10:25 -10:55) 

         Monday: Advisory

         Tuesday - Friday: Student Intervention

3rd period (11:00-11:47)  Algebra 1- EOC Bridge

4th period (11:52 -12:39)  AP Statistics

5th period (12:44 -1:31)  Lunch/Duty

6th period (1:36 - 2:24)  AP Statistics

7th period (2:29 - 3:17)  AP Statistics

8th period (3:22 - 4:10)  Conference