Phone: 817-441-8711


Degrees and Certifications:

BME Music Education

Mrs. Karen Paul

Hello, my name is Karen Paul.  I am in my 24th year of teaching music.  I have been the Director of Choirs in Aledo ISD since 2009.  Previously, I served as the head middle school band director, assistant high school band director, music technology director, and the AP Music Theory teacher since being hired in 1998.  I attended Texas Wesleyan University where I studied saxophone and received my Bachelor of Music Education degree.  

Our Aledo ISD Choir Program has earned consistent sweepstakes awards at UIL and invitational festivals.  Most recently earning Grand Champion at the American Classic “Big D” music festival in 2019 and winning the National Foundation for Music Education Mark of Excellence/National Choral Honors Award for 2020.  The Aledo Treble Choir auditioned and earned a position in the Music For All National Music Festival in 2020.  Aledo choir students have experienced great success in TMEA All Region, Area, and All State Choirs and consistently advanced to the UIL State Solo and Ensemble Contest.

I enjoy sharing my love for music with my students and look forward to each day that we can discover it together!

 What is Choir (Video Link)